Salmonella bacteria belonging to enteropatogenik. Salmonella is a genus of gram-negative bacteria enterobakteria-sticks that cause typhoid, paratifus, and foodborne illness. Salmonella species can move freely and produce hydrogen sulfide. Salmonella is named after Daniel Edward Salmon, American pathologist, even though his colleague Theobald Smith (famous for its results in anaphylaxis) who first discovered the bacterium in 1885 on the cow's body.
Thypi Salmonella typhus is a cause of disease and the dose that can cause symptoms of infection by S. thypi is 10-4 cells. In addition to this bacterial disease typhoid can also menimbukan enteric fever, septikimia, and gastroenteritis, which is usually characterized by symptoms that typically appear 12-36 hours after the contaminated food. According Supardi and Sukamto (1999), these bacteria are motile and had flagella peritrikus, and can grow at temperatures between 5 - 470C, with optimum temperature 35 - 370C. some vegetative cells of Salmonella thypi still be able to live during frozen storage.
These foods are often contaminated by Salmonella thypi namely eggs and processed products, fish and processed products, chicken, beef, and milk and processed products such as ice cream and cheese (Supardi and Sukamto, 1999).
In the analysis of Salmonella sp using the qualitative test. In a qualitative test can take several steps to expand the number of pathogenic bacteria are making it easier to detect and isolate it. The stages consist of:
Thypi Salmonella typhus is a cause of disease and the dose that can cause symptoms of infection by S. thypi is 10-4 cells. In addition to this bacterial disease typhoid can also menimbukan enteric fever, septikimia, and gastroenteritis, which is usually characterized by symptoms that typically appear 12-36 hours after the contaminated food. According Supardi and Sukamto (1999), these bacteria are motile and had flagella peritrikus, and can grow at temperatures between 5 - 470C, with optimum temperature 35 - 370C. some vegetative cells of Salmonella thypi still be able to live during frozen storage.
These foods are often contaminated by Salmonella thypi namely eggs and processed products, fish and processed products, chicken, beef, and milk and processed products such as ice cream and cheese (Supardi and Sukamto, 1999).
In the analysis of Salmonella sp using the qualitative test. In a qualitative test can take several steps to expand the number of pathogenic bacteria are making it easier to detect and isolate it. The stages consist of:
- Phase multiplication (Erichment) : Is to multiply the number of bacteria to be tested, while others inhibited bacterial growth. If necessary this step can be done two phases preenrichment and enrichment. Mediums used in this stage is for Salmonella sp namely cysteine Selenyte F or Selenite Broth.
- Phase selection : Selective medium is put there so that colonies of bacteria that will be tested easily isolated. Mediums used in this stage is for Salmonella sp ie Bismuth sulfite Agar (BSA) and Slamonella Shigella Agar (SSA).
- Phase insulation : Separating the bacteria to be tested from other microbes.
- Primary Identification : Is to differentiate the tested bacteria from other bacteria of different properties.
- Complete identification : Is to distinguish the tested bacteria from other bacteria are a group with characteristics that are similar.
Identification of Salmonella sp are made to the culture that shows a specific reaction. Salmonella in for TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) and LIM medium (Indole Lysine Motilitiy) or SIM (sulfite Indole Motility).
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